Thursday, September 10, 2009

Girls go all Harry Potter

It's been a long summer, and I've read a LOT of books, seen a lot of movies, watched a lot of TV, pulled a lot of weeds, etc. etc. . . . but what I want to share with you, dear readers, is my joy at discovering a new, fun series that I want to recommend to all of you. It's the Gallagher Girls series by Abby Carter - and the first book hooked me right away. In I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You, Cammy Morgan is a student at an exclusive girl's school just outside of Washington, DC. But it's no ordinary high-falutin' private school. No, this is a school for spies. Cammy studies covert operations, culture and assimilation, and advanced encryption. (see, that's how it's like Harry Potter - a "secret school" with really unusual subjects to study!) Her parents were both spies -- her father died "on the job," and her mom is the director of the school. Soon after she returns to the school for a new year, she meets a hot local guy in town, Josh -- but she can't reveal to him the true nature of the school or what she's training to become. Before you know it, her friends have conspired to investigate this new object of Cammy's desire, and have developed convoluted plans to help her sneak out of school to meet Josh. Can Cammy and Josh have a NORMAL relationship, when everything about her is everything BUT normal? This was a fun book - and will make a great movie (I was trying to cast it the whole time I was reading it). There are two sequels already - stop by the library to try out at least this first novel in the series.
4 out of 4 stars

1 comment:

Paper Girl said...

Oh, my goodness!! I am soo glad RB has this!! I am a freshmen and am deeply in love with reading and writing. I am actually writing my own novel!! Amber Powers